Monday, June 3, 2013

To Fedheads: Helpful Advice From A Rper

I'm just going to go right on ahead and tell you all reading this blog, this will not be kind; it will be harsh and feelings more than likely are going to be hurt; but this is something that needs to be said and I do hope that you all realize that this is coming from both a personal account and from an outsider looking in. Perception is a killer and let me tell you, dear readers... there are some fedheads that are allowing perception to kill their feds. To paraphrase this and to keep the introduction as short as humanly possible...


Look, I get it, you as a human being will make friends with some of your players... maybe with ALL of your players, so if the latter is the case, Bias shouldn't be an issue... but for there are times where its the former and bias can and will creep in. Find me a fedhead that claims they aren't bias towards a certain handler when ALL evidence points to the opposite; and I'll call them a liar. Now I'm not saying don't make friends with your players at all... what I am saying however is this and simply this if you are a judge?

DONT Judge their matches.

I'm sorry, you can't be unbias at this point... espically if they happen to be family, a friend, or even a lover. YOU... CAN...NOT....BE....UNBIAS! Some of you have proven this beyond a shadow of a fuckin' doubt and frankly, I just shake my head at you and go 'why are you a fedhead?'

This also goes for handlers you don't like for some reason or another. DON'T JUDGE THEIR FUCKIN' MATCHES! There are times where I, as a guest judge in matches have declined to vote for fear of being bias towards a certain party; whether its because I was dating the handler of the character, where the outcome would effect a future match of mine aka a challengers match for a title I held, OR I had personal issues with the handler and again... I refused to judge just to avoid possibly being bias.

Case in point recently, I was having issues with a certain handler in FFW (which has since been squashed and we are all gravy baby) and I asked to not judge their matches at a PPV just so a potential call of 'bias' could not be lobbied. On that SAME event, another judge in the SAME match asked to not judge because he was having issues with THE OTHER handler in that match. I respected his decision to not judge that match alongside me as did our fedhead.

You know what else you shouldn't do if your fedhead? And here is where the feelings are going to be getting hurt and frankly I don't care because it needs to be said. Never under ANY circumstances start up a fed and then push a friend of yours to the moon because the two of yours former fedhead didn't think they were main event material. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

Because maybe that former fedhead was right? Maybe just maybe your friend is not the best there is you think they are? Did you stop to think about that, of course not. You are too busy starting up a fed, rubbing your hands together and laughing like a maniac and thinking to yourself...

I'll teach that former fedhead... yeah, I'll show them how wrong there were about *insert handler here*!

You are just going to cause drama and friction from the rest of the roster once they realize what's going on and they can see for a fact they'll never get a fair shake in your company because you have some stupid ass agenda to try and get over. It's childish and its going to cause strife amongst your friend and the rest of the roster once they see it and trust me... they WILL see it, if they don't already do.

My final point I want to make here and please take this advice to heart as I'm not trying to be a dick just to be a dick. I'm being a dick to try and save your fed before everyone up and leaves it because you are too blind to your own bias actions. Do me a small favor okay?

Stop being a fedhead for a brief second, play pretend and act like you are one of us... or better yet were an outsider looking in and you happen to notice the following things...

1: The fedhead has his friends holding all the gold is always IN title contention for the titles in the company.

2: The fedhead himself has a character and is winning matches and not helping to put over his roster.

3: You hear the grumblings of the roster about how such and such is always getting such and such and all because of the fedhead liking them.

Now answer me this question? Would you join that fed? No... no you wouldn't. So why should I? Why should your roster stay if you act like this? Oh and to certain people about to embark to a fed... I have but one final thing to say to you... and in the words of Cascada's famous song said in my own personal way.



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