Monday, December 2, 2013

Random Rant

You know, I'm sure some friends of mine are getting kind of sick of having to hear me rant about the little things in life; but I've found it's better to get it out in the open nowadays than just letting it sit and fester there to the point I just explode later on down the road. But then again I let them rant all the time about the same kind of things and I can only face palm or look them right in the eyes and go.

"Well at least you got someone who's interested in you."

Then comes the vacant stares as if I'm lying to them or I'm speaking a Goddamned foreign language. Let me go on ahead and say this one last time and I hope you finally get it through your head and stop trying to bury it in the proverbial sand in some attempt to make it go away. If everyone including their parents are telling you what I've been telling you; guess what, sweetheart, it's true. No amount of closing your eyes, placing your fingers into your ears, and shaking your head is going to change that fact. You know what is going to kill it though? No, it's not me trying to wake you up and trying to make you make a move. Nor is it your other friends looking out for you, trying the very same thing. This is the part you need to listen to me very very closely because it's been needed to be said for some time now and frankly I'm done sugar coating it; I'm fucking done trying to let 'nature run its course'.


You see us males, we are but simple creatures, sweetheart. We have basic needs and functions in life; and unlike you ladies; we don't like 'hard to get'. Believe it or not, we like upfront, blunt, and fucking honesty. If you like us, fucking tell us. You don't like us? Fucking tell us. You want to fuck us? Well by golly gee you got it, TELL US. Don't beat around the damned bush; don't twiddle your damned thumbs; because inability to act on things cause us to believe you are not interested and thus we just go about our merry way oblivious to what you truly wanted. We don't do bread crumbs that lead to the end goal. We might like video games; but we don't like GAMES you ladies like to play with us. Believe it or not some of us guys, we can get the hint and we'll gladly leave you the fuck alone if you just say so. Hell, we'd gladly go out on a date with you, if you actually asked us as well.

You are socially awkward? Well guess what, so is he! This is weird for you? It is for him too. But you know what? Just sitting there being able to say this shit in private to me or to twitter or to whatever other social media platform in which he doesn't use is not going to truly help if you can't say it to him! I'm tired of having to hear about it. I'm tired of reading it. I'm tired of the 'OMG what if he hears?!' I'm just fucking tired of this beating around the bush. Either shit or get off the fucking pot!

You may not like me doing this; but obviously my own brand of bread crumbs didn't work for you. And if that didn't work for you. Why do you expect yours to work for him?

Think about that...

oh and while I'm at it...

Yes I'm a miserable piece of shit sometimes; but Goddamn it, I'm still your friend and if I can't be fucking happy; I at least want YOU to be happy with him. But that's never going to happen until you act.

-Random Rant over.


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